Ada to MIPS Compiler


This project was done as part of the course CS335A: Compiler Design, in the Spring ‘18 term at IIT Kanpur under Prof. Subhajit Roy, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur.

Brief summary of the work done in the project

  • Implemented an Ada to MIPS compiler using C++ as the source language of the compiler.
  • Implemented language features such as Basic Arithematic operations, Range Operator, Constant Variables, Fixed size Arrays with upto two dimension support, If-Else and If-ElseIf-Else conditionals, Switch cases, Simple for, while, and do-while loops, Procedures(Functions) and Recursions, Packages(Classes) supporting any number of data members as well as objects of other packages, and Package level Methods.
  • Basic Integer and Character data types were supported for all implemented features.


Mrinaal Dogra
Mrinaal Dogra
Lead Engineer

My research interests include artificial intelligence, human-machine interaction and robotics