Real-time Sentiment Analysis of Video Feed

The Six emotions detected by the ML application


This project was done as part of the course CS771A: Introduction to Machine Learning, in the Fall ‘17 term at IIT Kanpur under Prof. Purushottam Kar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur.

Brief summary of the work done in the project

  • The project aimed at developing a user application to get time-mapped viewer sentiment while watching a video.
  • The application input was the viewer’s webcam feed in real-time while watching the video and the output contained the emotion specified at regular time intervals throughout the duration of the video being watched.
  • The following set of six emotions were considered in the application: {Neutral, Happy, Sad, Angry, Surprised, Fearful}


  • Created the diagram using
Mrinaal Dogra
Mrinaal Dogra
Lead Engineer

My research interests include artificial intelligence, human-machine interaction and robotics