Multi-user P2P Video Conferencing Web Application

Proposed Network Architecture Design for project


This project was done as part of the course CS425A: Computer Networks, in the Fall ‘18 term at IIT Kanpur under Prof. Dheeraj Sanghi, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur.


The project aims to develop a video conferencing web application. This application should be capable of handling multi-stream video feeds for different users within the network. The web application was hypothetically supposed to be deployed in the Faculty Building at IIT Kanpur which will allow faculty members to attend meetings online via the application.


  1. Peer-to-Peer Connection: We use peer-to-peer connection rather than server based relaying of video streams. The host server only sets up the connection between two or more clients. After the connection is setup, exchange of data among the peers does not involve the server.
  2. Platform Independent: The application doesn’t require the clients to install any software on their personal computer. They just need to login to the hosted website and the server handles setting up the connection and sharing communication protocols.
  3. Multiple Chatrooms: Every conference will be allotted a unique chat room id with which all the users can join the associated chatroom. Since there can be several conferences that might be hosted simultaneously in different rooms, the application allows initiating multiple chatrooms to run independent of the others.
Mrinaal Dogra
Mrinaal Dogra
Lead Engineer

My research interests include artificial intelligence, human-machine interaction and robotics